Knowledge Base

LiveU (Solo/Solo Pro)

We support connections from all LiveU products, including the Solo and Solo Pro. The setup processes for both are slightly different, as the Solo uses RTMP while the Solo Pro works best with SRT.

Note: These instructions assume that you have already created a Solo Portal account and registered your unit. If you have not, then refer to the Account Registration section first.

Note: For best results when travelling, make sure to update your current LRT zone to one which is close to where you are.

Set Up With SRT (Solo Pro)

Note: In order to use SRT, LRT must be enabled. Additionally, you must use one of the LRT regions from this list.

  • Begin powering on your unit. Make sure the screen says "Ready" before continuing, otherwise this process will not work correctly.
  • Log into the Solo Portal and Our Dashboard
  • Ensure that LRT service is enabled and the zone is one of those listed here
  • Under the "Destination" section, press "Select New Destination"

  • Scroll down in the list until you see the "SRT-OUT-Caller-Solo" destination type, and select it

  • You'll be presented with a list of options(Screenshot)
    • For "Destination Name", enter any name. It's for your reference only
    • "Codec" should be set to H265
    • "Profile" should be "1080p50/60 H.265 No Nulls".
    • In our dashboard, go to "Settings -> Ingests", and press the "SRT (LiveU)" button on your ingest of choice
    • Copy the fields provided over to the Solo Portal form
    • "Passphrase" should be left blank
    • If using a Solo Pro, override "Audio Bitrate" to 128Kbps
  • Press submit, and the destination will be synchronized with your unit

Set Up With RTMP (Solo/Solo Pro)

Note: If you're using a Solo Pro, we highly recommend using SRT, as RTMP does not support H.265/HEVC streaming.

Note: We recommend using SRT when possible instead of RTMP. As of 2023-03-04, the Solo does not yet support SRT, so using RTMP is required.

  • Begin powering on your unit. Make sure the screen says "Ready" before continuing, otherwise this process will not work correctly.
  • Log into the Solo Portal and Our Dashboard
  • Under the "Destination" section, press "Select New Destination"

  • Scroll down in the list until you see the "IRLToolkit" destination type, and select it

  • You'll be presented with a list of options (Screenshot)
    • For "Destination Name", enter any name. It's for your reference only
    • The profile should be "1920 x 1080 Widescreen (16:9) 60 fps" by default. This is the recommended profile
    • In our dashboard, go to "Settings -> Ingests", and press the "RTMP" button on your ingest of choice
    • Copy the "RTMP URL" from our dash to the "Primary Ingress URL" field on the Solo Portal
    • Copy the "Key" from our dash to the "Stream Name" field
    • Leave the "Secondary Ingress URL" field empty
    • You shouldn't need to override anything in the Advanced dropdown
  • Press submit, and the destination will be synchronized with your unit

Account and Unit Registration

If this is your first time setting up a LiveU, follow these steps:

  • Visit the LiveU Solo Portal website and click the "Register" link
  • Enter your information and click Submit
  • Once logged in, press the "+ Add Solo" button on the left side of your screen
  • Follow the instructions to add your unit
  • If you are purchasing Solo Connect data service, remember that it includes LRT, so an individual LRT subscription is not necessary!

Notes About LRT service:

  • LRT is what enables the LiveU unit to perform connection bonding (using multiple modems at a time).
  • If you only have one modem, LRT can still help reduce things like video stuttering and dropped frames which can happen on unreliable connections.
  • LRT is required on the Solo and Solo Pro units to use the SRT protocol.
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