Knowledge Base

Twitch Chat Bot

The Twitch Chat Bot provides a simple yet reliable way to control your server using chat commands.

Location: Settings -> System

Available Settings

Joining a Twitch Chat Channel

Joining the bot to a channel is as simple as entering the channel username into the "Twitch Channel" field. If you would like the bot to listen in multiple channels, you may enter multiple in a comma-separated list, like "channel1,channel2".

Chat Commands


  • Any command argument prefixed with (f) uses fuzzy matching to find a best match.
  • Any command argument prefixed with ? is optional.
  • If the "ingestName" argument is not specified, the command will apply to your main ingest.
  • Command permissions are adjustable on request. Please contact staff.
  • The bot can be customized to use any Twitch account instead of the irltoolkit username. Please contact staff.
Default Access Level
All+ !b, !bitrate Get the bitrate in Kbps that is coming into the server, from all ingests
All+ !avinfo Get ingest info like resolution, fps and codec
All+ !tc, !timecode Get the precise current stream duration
Mod+ !f [(f)?ingestName] Fix the ingest if it gets messed up (audio crackle, video desync)
Mod+ !m [(f)?ingestName] Toggle mute on the ingest. Will respond with whether it muted or unmuted the ingest.
Mod+ !v [(f)?ingestName] [?volumePercent] Get or set the volume of an ingest between 0 and 100 percent.
Broadcaster+ !ss [(f)?sceneName] Switch to the desired scene. Not specifying a scene will respond with the current scene. Uses fuzzy matching, so your message does not have to contain the exact scene name.
Broadcaster+ !setlbr [?bitrateKbps] Get or modify the scene switcher's low bitrate threshold.
Broadcaster+ !setobr [?bitrateKbps] Get or modify the scene switcher's offline bitrate threshold.
Broadcaster !startstream Start stream output in OBS
Broadcaster !stopstream Stop stream output in OBS
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